Tuesday, November 21, 2006

a musican in the city

deciding to busk daily has given my life a certain (albeit loose and flexible) sense of structure. its also helped solidify my identity as a musician, independent of my klez band. taking the time to connect with folks in this way on a daily basis by expressing myself through my instrument has been an amazing experience. and, it means that i'm often carting the fiddle around town, having just finished busking. folks seem to express an immediate trust and respect once they spot that black case.

dorky klez busqing moment of the day: walter zev feldman, one of the originators of the klezmer revival as well as an amazing klez musician and dancer, walked into the 110th st. subway station this afternoon (i was playing a beautiful original klez tune by steve greenman). total klez dorkout moment, but i was just thrilled when he came over and put a quarter in my case! that makes 2 klez star sightings this week! (alicia svigals, klez fiddler extraoirdinaire spotted me on the corner of 110th and b'way). what can i say? life's challah good.

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