Sunday, January 5, 2014


"The buddhist teachings...encourage us to relax gradually and wholeheartedly into the ordinary and obvious truth of change."
             ---Pema Chodron

and again and again i find that familiar place of constricted fear in my gut.  this ego wants to hold wants to know wants to imprison myself and others so that it can feed on the certainty that it craves.  how do i tell it, gently, no, no, no, NO.  that is not the way.  that is not the way in, it is actually the way to lock yourself OUT from the true depths that are possible only because they are unknowable to this scared and shrinking ego-mind.  take comfort in what then, what? it demands to know.  and what made you think this was about comfort; one answer.  another, more reliable for this mind-body-animal....cuddling?  but really, the only answer is this one:

the only comfort is in the release and relief of knowing this moment and drawing it near.  tenderly.  yes and gently, letting it whisper its one deepest truth and sheltering that from the ego storms that demand answers.  because there is also this:

to see it, to hold it, is to watch it change shift transform, kaleidescoping itself ever forward and outward to deeper levels of beauty than this poor puny ego can even conceive of.

so that's the trade off:  comfort for beauty.  at times, terrible, painful beauty that freaks the shit out of my ego. and when i can remember t

o let this simple practice happen, then it is always worth it, oh it is so so worth it.

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