Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Bon Voyage!

After almost a year of preparations, its finally the day and I am on my way!!!  I have been wanting and intending to go to Iran for many years now.  And now, its finally happening.  Today.  My stomach is churning w/anticipation, excitement, and a little bit of fear and nervousness.  Last night I tested out my "comstume"; pants, long shirt, light coat, and head scarf.  I think I'll be able to pass which is what I would like....but who knows?  From what I can tell, Iranian women's fashion is a delicate balance between looking good and following the Dress Code laws.  Erring to far on either side and I'll either get in trouble or stick out like a sore thumb.  No floor length flannel nightgown for me, but is it ok to cinche the belt on my coat or should i leave it loose and baggy?  Exactly how much hair can peak out from that scarf?  Presumably, I'll soon have answers to all these questions.

The whole journey is about 24 hours; Sky picked me up this morning, 9:30AM at Twin Oaks and dropped me at the Richmond Amtrak Station for my 11:04 train.  I get into NYC around 5pm and have til midnight to get to JFK.  Then a flight to Istanbul, with a few hour layover.  Plenty of time for the costume change.  And then a short flight to Tehran!  And the adventure begins...

Also: FB is banned in Iran so please feel free to repost pics and posts from here, there.

1 comment:

memeticist said...

Have an amazing time in Iran. I am sad we are not crossing paths at all on this trip.

I am sure you will navigate the fashion requirements of Tehran and i believe it is a tricky balance.