We tried to get an early start with
moderate success--after packing a lunch, we jumped on our bikes and
headed to the far north corner of town, and a little beyond. after
hiding our bikes by the railroad tracks, we stuck our thumbs out in
an attempt to catch a ride up to O'leno State Park, where we'd been
on Sunday. This time we intended to rent canoes. It took
a while (and an outfit change, patch pants ---> skirt) but
eventually someone stopped for us--heavily tattooed and blaring metal
music..."yeah, VA is a hard state for doing illegal things"
and so sweet and kind, took us all the way up to the state
park. we filled out the canoe paper work and got paddles, then
hiked the remaining mile into the park and to the river. another
gorgeous day, patch clouds and 70 degrees....delightful river with
lots of turtles. 

we paddled for a couple hours, then stopped
for our lunch picnic and headed back.
hiked back out through
the woods and stopped to pay--the park ranger just crumpled up the
paper and said "aw, don't worry about it! take care!"
back out and first car stopped--a guy and his kid who had
passed us in their motor boat on the river. they got us a
little ways, then another guy stopped and brought us to alachua.
nice, and still about 10 miles out of gville. we hiked
through town, no one stopping, starting to get tired and cranky, sun
is setting...finally a dude turned around who'd passed us
before---very sweet guy just getting of the night shift after
christmas with his kids. he rode us back to our bikes, and we
biked back home w/ a brief stop at the catholic worker raised beds to
harvest some greens for the CHRISTMAS FEAST at our house! people
came over and we feasted heavily, then played poop smoothie. Thanks for an awesome visit Noah!

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